About Us
Our Shepherd Lutheran Church and School is a group of God’s people gathered in worship, committed to God’s Word, and dedicated to sharing God’s love with others.
Come Worship
Your relationship with God begins when God gives you Christ’s gifts of life and love. Jesus lived and died on the cross so that your sins may be forgiven and that you may receive everlasting life. In worship, God creates and strengthens faith. We respond to God’s love with thanks, praise and by walking in His way. “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” (John 4:23 ESV)
The growth of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church made it necessary in 1986 to undertake an extensive building program. Classrooms, offices, and support facilities were expanded. A preschool ministry began, as did the planning for a Christian day school.
First grade began the fall of 1993, and one grade was added each year thereafter. In May 2001, Our Shepherd graduated its first 8th grade class.
Since 1993, the school has experienced many additions, remodels, and a move to a beautiful new facility in 2010.
The best way to learn more about Our Shepherd Lutheran School is to visit us! We invite you to tour our school and meet our teachers, staff, and students.