About Us
Praying Together. It's the vision of developing a culture and commitment to praying big, bold, passionate prayers together. It's the vision of praying with and for each other. We pray for the salvation of our family and friends, for our community, for every seat to be filled and for God to help us change our community and the world! We believe as Dr. Falwell said-nothing of eternal significance happens apart from prayer.
Serving Together. Imagine every member connected to a serve team and actively using their talents and gifts to advance the Kingdom of God in our community and around the world. Together we will help others discover their spiritual gifts and serve God while serving others.
Connecting Together in Life Groups. The dream is for every member to grow through Life Groups, The Discipleship Experience, care groups or another group experience that build our relationships with Christ and one another.
Being on Mission Together. Through local outreach in our communities, global missions, church planting efforts and more we dream of reaching neighborhoods and the nations.
Creating a Culture of Generosity. The early church was marked by sacrificial and generous actions that caused neighbors, rulers and leaders to take note of what was going on. We pray and strive for that same spirit of generosity to be the description of Harmony.